Saturday, October 12, 2019

Marshal Dylan: A Typical Law Man in Gun Smoke :: Gun Smoke

There are many characteristics that become standard for the typical "law man." However while listening to a few episodes of Gun Smoke the characteristics of a law man is very well distinguished. The typical law man portrays a character all of his own differing from that of anybody else. In the episodes of Gun Smoke, Matt Dylan is the Marshal of Dodge City, Kansas. Through the character of Marshal Dylan the idea of the law man is portrayed. Dylan seems to act out the part of Marshall in three different circumstances. There is the way that Dylan interacts and responds to his friends. On the other hand Dylan deals with his enemies altogether differently but with the same basic principles. Finally the last way the Marshal Dylan reveals his character is through interactions with strangers. No matter what kind of people the law man must deal with he is always wise, patient, and a strong leader. The way Matt Dylan treats his friends is a bit different than the way he treats everybody else. This is where we get to see the softer side of Mr. Dylan. Although his personality might somewhat differ, his normal relationship with others it is hardly an emotional one. One major character trait of Dylan that plays throughout is his stern personality and lack of words. Even though he was a stern man there was much caring in his tone when he would interact with Miss Kitty. He wasn't much of a smooth talker either; he simply says what needs to be said and goes about his business. At one point Dylan asks Miss Kitty if she would like a couple of drinks; she agrees but when she suggests to sit at the table he doesn't give it a moments thought before rejecting the idea and telling her where they will be sitting. We can conclude form this that the typical law man wasn't much of a ladies man at all. There is also the way Dylan interacts with his deputy Chester; many times the relationship betw een Chester and Dylan was a serious business one, but throughout there were several times when we could see Dylan open up a little more. When things were a little less stressful, Dylan's humorous side came out somewhat while teasing Chester for either falling asleep on the job or laughing at him for wanting to sit and watch the train.

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